Wednesday, July 12, 2017

On My Own

After talking with my doctor I decided to cancel weight watchers.   He said that it's a good program but there were others out there that didn't cost so much that were just as effective.  The more I thought about it the more that made sense. Why should I pay each month to track smart points?  The bad thing about that is that eventually I will want to stop paying the monthly fee and then I will have to basically retrain my brain because I will no longer be counting smart points but using calories or some other measure instead.  Wouldn't it be easier just to start with counting calories and not have to relearn everything again?
So I canceled and got charged a cancellation fee but I will no longer have the monthly fee.  I am going to use My Fitness Pal and see how that goes.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Rough Week

Well with it being a holiday week, I didn't do great on my journey.  I didn't choose to eat the best of foods and I was so exhausted each night that I didn't even walk!  UGH!!  It's kind of discouraging. We were so busy this week that I just didn't care if I ate ice cream and cheesecake.  Even with those not so great choices, I still tried to make good choices otherwise.  With all that being said I was a little surprised with my measurements this week.  I didn't loose weight but I didn't gain any either.  So this week I am going to try a little harder.  I really want to loose another 5 lbs. in the next 10 days.  Hopefully I can be successful.

Measurements for the week are:
Bust = 46.5 in (down .5)
Upper arm = 16 in (down .25)
Waist = 44 in (down 2)
Hips = 52 in (even)
Thight = 29 in (down 1)
Weight = 235.6 lb (down 4.4)

Monday, July 3, 2017


SSo weekends are hard!!  It is so hard to stay under my points when I am home and have little to do.  There is food everywhere.  I think I eat when I am bored.  So thankfully I had stuff to keep me busy most of the weekend.  But it was still hard! I am thankful that I had some snacks already set aside. That being said I still did it!!  I stayed on track!!  It was a huge accomplishment for me and it paid off today when I took all my measurements.  It gave me hope that I can get healthy, that I can make it through this journey.
I even had enough points left on Sunday for a treat!!  I had a chocolate covered Twinkies.

The funny thing about that is that I don't even like them!  But it was nice to have a little treat. Now I can make it through this week without craving one because they really aren't that good.  And definitely not worth wasting my points on.
Well since it has been a successful week I am actually excited to post my measurements so here they are.
Bust = 46.5 in. (down .5)
Upper arm = 16.5 in. (same)
Waist = 45.25 in (down .75)
Hips = 52 (same)
Thigh = 29.5 in. (down .5)
Weight = 235.6 lb. (down 4.4)