Monday, July 3, 2017


SSo weekends are hard!!  It is so hard to stay under my points when I am home and have little to do.  There is food everywhere.  I think I eat when I am bored.  So thankfully I had stuff to keep me busy most of the weekend.  But it was still hard! I am thankful that I had some snacks already set aside. That being said I still did it!!  I stayed on track!!  It was a huge accomplishment for me and it paid off today when I took all my measurements.  It gave me hope that I can get healthy, that I can make it through this journey.
I even had enough points left on Sunday for a treat!!  I had a chocolate covered Twinkies.

The funny thing about that is that I don't even like them!  But it was nice to have a little treat. Now I can make it through this week without craving one because they really aren't that good.  And definitely not worth wasting my points on.
Well since it has been a successful week I am actually excited to post my measurements so here they are.
Bust = 46.5 in. (down .5)
Upper arm = 16.5 in. (same)
Waist = 45.25 in (down .75)
Hips = 52 (same)
Thigh = 29.5 in. (down .5)
Weight = 235.6 lb. (down 4.4)

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