Thursday, June 29, 2017

The hardest part of the day

Well I think I have found the time of day that is the hardest for me.  It's right after work.  When I get home I want to just grab something to snack on.  It's crazy because I wasn't even hungry until I walked into my house and then I wanted whatever I could get my hands on.  Luckily I made some sugar free jello earlier today so I could just have a quick snack and that satisfied me. So I tried to plan for that last night.  I prepackaged a few quick snacks so that when the cravings come again I will have something ready.  I have decided that's probably one of the most important things about this journey...being prepared!

My husband has been really great and will go on walks with me.  It's not only a great way to get some activity but also a great time to spend with him.  I love that part of this journey.

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